As a private research funding organization, we support researchers with creative ideas aimed at changing the world of science – something we have been doing for more than 60 years now. Our mission: We endow knowledge.

We provide support in four profile areas

Pile of books

Understanding Research

Critically exploring and reflecting on the research system with a view to initiating positive change on areas such as career paths, governance, research and teaching.

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humanoider Kopf einer Maschine

Societal Transformations

Expanding knowledge about processes of transformation and developing possible courses of action together with stakeholders in civil society.

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Hand with compass


Breaking into previously unexplored research territory with unconventional ideas and experimental approaches.

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Schachfigur "Pferd"


Funding program for top-level research in Lower Saxony.

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  • Public event
  • Herrenhausen Extra
  • With live stream

Oct. 07, 2024, 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Antisemitismus und seine vielen Gesichter: Auftakt einer Vortragsreihe

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Das Bild zeigt eine Hand, die ein Pappschild hochhält. Darauf steht geschrieben "Gegen jeden Antisemitismus". Im Hintergrund sieht man die deutsche und die israelische Flagge.
  • Public event
  • Herrenhäuser Gespräch
  • With live stream

Oct. 17, 2024, 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM

Stadt-Land-Kluft. Über eine gefährliche Entfremdung

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Das Bildzeigt aus Vogelperspektive auf der rechten Seite ein grünes Feld und auf der linken Seite ein Neubaugebiet
  • Public event
  • Herrenhausen Late
  • With live stream

Oct. 22, 2024, 08:30 PM - 10:30 PM

Zwischen Promille und Publicity: Was Kommunikation über Alkohol und Sucht ausmacht

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Szene DJ und Publikum in loungiger Atmosphäre
Funding offer 02. October 2024

New funding programme: NEXT – Quantum Biology

With this programme, the foundation aims to support the proof of quantum effects in biological systems, thereby increasing the acceptance of this research field. We are looking for interdisciplinary project teams that are prepared to take on the challenge of overcoming the limitations of current approaches. Application deadline: 11 February 2025

Ein See unter weitem Himmel, im Hintergrund eine Gebirgskette, im Vordergrund ein Reiter und eine Jurte
Interview 01. October 2024

International funding: 'The prospects are promising'

The last projects in the Foundation's funding initiative 'Central Asia/Caucasus'  will soon come to an end. Other research funders, including the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, will follow up in the region – and the Foundation will be continuing its international funding activities with new topics. A discussion about the complementarity of private and public funding of projects that take place abroad.